Thursday, June 11, 2009

A Beautiful Rain

As I walked from the downstairs to the floor above... I was distracted by a beautiful rain that sparked some creative juices... This a view from the steps right outside of where we are staying. 

Showers fall as in
a dry and weary land
where there is no water.
Pour Your mercy out 
like rain on this scorched 
land filled with darkness.
Rain kissed breeze dances
across my face as if
a shadow of Your beauty.
I am overwhelmed...
Praises fall like rain,
blessings flood my existence.
I beg You... Flood this land
with faith, mercy and grace...

We have been doing a lot of ministry here and I was initially discouraged to see no fruit. But I have been encouraged to see that we are able to bless a local pastor and his wife.  Also we met 2 believers that we get an opportunity to disciple. I am so excited!

Continue to pray... our schedule is getting busier, but more consistent so I feel like I can be more intentional. I miss you all so much, but your prayers are appreciated more than you know! 

Habakkuk 2:2-3 has been a blessing to me.  Make the vision plain... if it seems slow, wait for it...

Will write soon! 


  1. Thanks so much for sorting through your thoughts to share.
    Indian rain is quite spectacular, and so is your gift with words.
    Much Love and prayers Sam.

  2. your labor is not in vain...
